Chasseurs connus

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De nombreuses descriptions de chasseurs sont manquantes.

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Like the legends of Biatatá, Beatriz Ribeiro Valente was a creature of fire trapped underwater. From the beaches of Salvador to the damps of the Bayou, she learned her flames could not be quenched. With nowhere to belong, she rose to set the world ablaze.
Béatrice Maunet lost her light and name in the bone-lined halls of the Catacombs of Paris after finding her boy's decomposing remains there. She crossed the Atlantic to Louisiana, hoping to absolve herself from remorse and hear her son's voice again.
Fifth roils alive and precious inside Captain Laffite. His arteries have transformed into marsh ways and canals for a kind of life only drowned captains can know. He inhales curses. Spits out gunpower smoke. When a ship sinks, he's there to guide it home.
The Bayou sky shifted, and the North Pole's shifted to match. Ashen snow heralded the Coal Bearer's journey southward, for heavy is the head that wears the crown, but heavier is the sack on the back of the man who judges good from bad.
The flames of November 5th taught the self-proclaimed heir of the Gunpowder Plot not to speak out against unjust rule, but the fires of war taught him silence was untenable. Taking up his forefather's crusade, The Conspirator reforges himself in the furnace of the bayou.
The Corruption is an empiric's dream, and Maxwell Creed works alongside his fellow experimenter to cut the tongues from enemy Hunters, hoping to absorb whispers of their secrets. After all, what better way is there to understand a disease than to become a part of it?
She sacrificed her morals dissecting the Bubonic heart of infection, losing herself in the madness and blight--blood knows her name, and she knows its taste. Now, Emma Davies joins an old colleague in the Hunt to conduct the ghoulish, Corrupted experiments of her dreams.
The Cowl made his mark by learning how to thrust his blade in just the right place to create the most chaos. But the Assassin's swarms showed him a new way with no leaders, only followers. Now he seeks to supplant the Target and become a truer instrument of the Corruption.
Once a troublemaker with everything to prove, The Drowned Kid was murdered and reforged with the debris of a thousand shipwrecks. His mind is as frantic as all drowning men's, and he's set on not only proving his worth, but punishing those who refuse to acknowledge it.
Lifeless and decaying, the Rat sank forever. At forever's end, a ritual was performed: the hearts of a hundred sailors set aflame. Incantations uttered to rot flesh in reverse. She awoke cursed with a mind fractured between worlds, charged with saving only one of them.
Hayalî can be persuaded, on occasion, to spin stories out of light and darkness. These plays feature two men of opposing temperaments: one canny and the other haughty. Hayalî is a master of opposing forces, hunting by enchanting then punishing, puppeteering his foes to their final act.
Answering a call from the last Elias, a man of many names emerges from crimson shadows. He too has faced Corruptions and covens older than mankind. New Orleans has been reckless in containing the outbreak, but he will end Corruption's spread.
Orphaned by winter, Iron Bark was raised by wolves as one of their own. But the pack moved on, and with an unending winter came a shortage of food, warmth, and hope. So Iron Bark sacrified their old family to claim all three.
Justin Pierce worked the streets of Philadelphia as a cop, tackling the worst criminals the city had. But one of them was “connected” and got him fired. Adrift, he wandered until he fell into the Hunt, where he could unleash his righteous fury.
The daughter of immigrants, Marian Lee was bullied until she snapped and picked off her tormentors. Deciding she liked killing, she took up work as a bounty hunter. One of her contracts fled to the bayou, where she learned about the Hunt and swapped careers.
The Miko tended her family's shrine long after it fell to ruin. Even when destroyed, the ringing of its bell never ceased. She followed its melody to Louisana where she aims her bow to strike the thousand mouths that give it a voice.
Jacob Arawn set out to slay the Black Dog of Hell, but has become a figure near synonymous with the hound he hunted. Now he continues his crusade, with decades of surviving harsh lands and eyes that have seen indescribable terrors, turning him into a mythical foe.
Brought unwittingly into the secret war of the Hunt, Jeffrey Forsyth was forced to leave his old life as an enforcer of the law behind and take up a new, higher calling.
The Prodigal Son knows there's a bullet out there with his name on it--he just prefers to keep it close. While others fear being brought to reckoning, he welcomes it; any chance to make amends for a life of misdeeds.
Born in a barn and madder than a wet hen ever since, Millie Moses always wanted to be like her dear ol' daddy, fighting Corruption to protect their family farm. Now, she's old enough to join the fun… and she's got some serious bones to pick.
Theater twisted this proud performer into a freak show. Now, after a bloody emancipation, he feels at home amidst the monsters of the Bayou, where he can kill for coin instead of begging and pleading for it with a song and a dance.
Caught stealing from Golden Acres, Jeremy Albano was beaten, stuffed into a scarecrow's outfit, and left bound in the field-where he witnessed his assailants become painstakingly Corrupted, ripping each other to shreds. Believing it unholy justice, Albano vowed himself to the Sculptor's will.
Midian always knew his pain was meaningless. “Abomination” he was called, so an abomination he became-one that thrived, and one that wielded might. Scrapbeak had shown this path, and he knew that betrayal lay at its end.
Morrigan finally knew herself from the moment her reflection stared back from the Beak's eyes. The wealth and riches she sought could be hers -power could be hers. No more hunger, pain, or seclusion, not if she was willing to take, keep, and bleed.
The time of the Viking is ancient history, filled with myth. Sea Wolf knew the power of those myths, so he used them to make himself and his sister into legends. For glory, gold, and pleasure does he massacre men and monsters.
A walking dead man they call Silver Spur, Ezekiel Stringfellow has hunted his fellow man all his life. Cursed by illness to wander, he followed a vision to the Hunt, where his keen eye and steady hand have made him a formidable foe.
Daddy left Tonya Wegman behind for her own good when he went a-Hunting. But Daddy was old, and he vanished into the swamps. After too many unanswered letters, she went looking for him and quickly proved herself a better Hunter than he ever was.
Robert Hogen, known as Buckshot, is a mountain man of unparalleled skill, he can trap any man or beast alive. Always taciturn, he allows his traps and his guns to do the talking for him. May heaven have mercy on anyone who tries to take from him, or those he holds close.
A peerless survivalist and tracker, Laura Merrill, known as Snare, can follow the slightest clue to her prey. Merciless, she strikes swiftly with a raptor's fury. Confident she can take down anything the wilderness throws at her, she is committed to survival in the face of the fiercest odds.
Brutally torn from his old life, Teddy Figueroa forged a new identity after a night of bloody vengeance in the Sonoran Desert. Now known only as Vaquero, he searches for the one man who escaped him, not caring who--or what--gets in his way.
A village of fifty-five set out to slay a mythical doe: ten feet tall with pure white antlers. All returned empty-handed, for a stranger - The Waldmann - carried the prize. He now wears the antlers on his back wherever he goes, for the red stains are not of deer's blood.
Hulda Kronick had little interest in her brother's scheming, but she happily fulfilled her given role in pursuit of honor. Though she held deep respect for fellow warriors, often challenging other Hunters to duels, she was plagued by a far greater, less noble bloodlust.
Worm Bite treads where maggots set their mouths to work in Stillwater Bayou. Each soul he buries is gifted a single bullet. One flash of light. One last chance to strike the darkness in the place it calls home.

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